It can be incredibly frustrating watching the furniture you worked hard to pay for be ripped to shreds by you beloved cat. Your first instinct may be to punish your cat but it is important to remember that your cat may not even be aware of what they are doing is wrong and this might just result in your cat being afraid of you. Here is what to do if you are in this situation.
Why do cats like to scratch?
First you need to understand why your cat scratches before you can attempt to stop them from destroying your furniture and carpet. Scratching is an instinct and you cannot stop your cat from scratching completely, you instead need to provide them with a place where they can safely scratch in peace. If you have carpeted floors, consider choosing pet-friendly materials that are resistant to wear and tear.
Alternatively, strategically placing scratching posts near your cat’s favorite areas can redirect their behavior and minimize damage. For those looking to upgrade their floors, exploring options like pet-friendly carpets or durable luxury vinyl tiles can be a smart choice. Companies specializing in flooring hertfordshire, such as Clever Carpets & Flooring, offer a range of solutions tailored to households with pets, ensuring both style and practicality. So why does your cat love to scratch so much? Here is why:
Anxiety relief
Scratching can be a great way for cats to relieve their anxiety. Scratching stretches the cat’s muscles and tendons and gives them exercise.
To mark their territory
Cats paws contain scent glands. They may be scratching as a way to make themselves feel at home, you might notice that your cat scratches the places that you sit, like your couch or your bed. Consider this a compliment your cat has the desire to mix their scent with yours.
To be playful
Cats sometimes scratch when they get excited. They are just expelling their playful energy.
For Grooming
Scratching helps to remove the outer layer of your cats’ claws. The dead skin can be irritating and scratching helps to relieve the discomfort.
Ways to prevent a cat from clawing at your belongings:
There might be a possibility that your cat is scratching your belongings because they have nowhere else to do so.
Or you may own a scratching post but your cat does not know how to use it. Here is how to encourage your cat to only use items that are designated for scratching.
Install furniture guards
There are plenty of furniture guards on the market designed to stop your cat from scratching. Try installing furniture guards on your cat’s favourite scratching areas. There are many products that will not ruin your furniture in the process of installation.
Place a scratching post or scratching board in front of where your cat usually scratches
A strategically placed scratching post can be a great way to encourage your cat to use their scratching post or scratching board rather than your furniture. Start by putting the scratching post in front of their favourite scratching target and then begin slowly move to post further and further away. Another way to encourage your cat to use the scratching post is to place treats on or around the post as well as their favourite toys. They will soon learn that the scratching post feels much better than your new couch.
Purchase anti-scratch spray
If you think that furniture guards are a bit of an eye sore you can consider purchasing a scratch deterrent spray. You should consider purchasing one that can be sprayed directly onto your furniture. These sprays have an unpleasant smell to cat’s and will encourage your cat to not go anywhere near the area.
Try to defer their attention elsewhere
If you catch your cat in the act of scratching the furniture the worst thing that you can do is yell at them or even worse hit them. This will only make them afraid of you.
Instead what you should do is try to take their attention elsewhere like their scratching post.
If your cat uses the scratching post give them positive reinforcement like a treat and a nice head scratch.
Use unpleasant materials
Try placing materials that are unpleasant to your kitty in the areas that they like to scratch.
Placing things like sandpaper or double-sided tape on your furniture is a great deterrent as your cat really will not enjoy sticking their claws in a sticky or irritating surface.
What you should never do when training your cat not to scratch.
Never declaw your cat.
This is incredibly inhumane. This would be the equivalent to amputating each human finger to the knuckles. It causes great tendon and nerve pain and is incredibly painful. There are ways to trim your cat’s claws but they should NEVER be declawed.
Never hit or scold your cat.
As mentioned in the article there are many alternatives to training a cat, you should not have to resort to physical punishment.
A cat may not even remember what they have done wrong and may just think that you’re being cruel if you attempt to punish them.