Throughout your time as a homeowner, you are going to come up against a number of maintenance issues which you will have to solve yourself or by getting an expert in. These issues can vary from basic issues such as plug sockets not working, to bigger problems such as your plumbing.
In most cases, there are a number of things that you can do in order to maintain your plumbing. These involve, testing the water pressure, checking for water leaks, checking your drains for blockage, clearing out the gutter and so on. If you are ever unsure about something, we would always recommend you get a plumper in to ensure you don’t cause any further damage.
Below are some useful plumbing maintenance tips.
Check for water leaks
Water leaks are a pain as not only can they do damage to your property, but they also cause higher usage of water which you will be paying for monthly. On a regular occurrence, we would recommend you check for any leaks to ensure one hasn’t suddenly appeared. Consult experts like do plumbing services in Costa Mesa, CA if you find any to do water leak repair.
Check the gutters for blockage
During bad weather spells, your gutters can take a battering. Moss and grit can get blown into your gutters causing them to block and in the worse case overspill, causing flooding around the area. Try to dedicate some time every few months to climbing up your ladder and clearing any dirt that is building in your drains. This will help prolong them and keep your plumbing in tip-top shape.
Clear shower & basin of hair or debris
When you are having a shower or bath, are you checking the basin for any hair that is getting tangled? The more hair that gets tangled the thicker it can get. When this is eventually pushed down your plumbing, the blockage can be a nightmare. Not only will your bath struggle to drain but it can also start to smell. Often you will need to pour a drain blockage down your pipes in order to clean and maintain them.
Inspect your pipes for corrosion
The older your home, the more likely your pipes will have been used a lot. Over time, this can cause corrosion to happen, leading to pinhole leaks. Every couple of months or if you suspect there is an issue with your piping, take a moment to inspect the exterior of them. Look for any small leaks, salt or white smudges as this can be a sign that there has been a leak.
We hope the above tips have given you some insight into simple ways to maintain your plumbing. As mentioned above, if you ever suspect you are having issues with your plumbing and you can’t solve it yourself, make sure you get in touch with an expert to help and hire a professional to help with plumbing maintenance tasks. Always try to look after your plumbing as best you can as the better condition it is in, the more likely it is that you will not have any problems.