Your roof is one of the key elements to building a more secure house away from the scorching heat of the sun and the wetter seasons as well. However, when it’s already old and may seem weary, it’s necessary to check your roof’s condition, entirely for maintenance purposes as well. Correspondingly, if ever you’ve found out that your roof is just too far from being salvaged, then it might be best to replace it already once and for all. In such cases, opting for a good service like Coffs Harbour Roof Replacements ensures a professional and reliable solution for a roof that meets your needs. Contact professional roofers like Proliance.
Yet, when replacing your roof, you cannot do it overnight. With the construction materials and the planning needed to replace them, it’s a no-brainer that it needs time to be able to be replaced ultimately. Still, with the construction restrictions in Australia, it should be essential to know whether or not the replacement should need planning permission, in a way to not disrupt your neighbors and also avoid sanctions from your local government.
While you’re annoyed by the fact that re-roofing needs a planning permit, it is consequential to know what the conditions are of securing such. Regardless of the specific regulations by your city government, here are implications as to when you need to have a planning permit for your re-roofing soon:
1. Replacement Materials
If you are eyeing to change your roof materials that differ from what your primary roof is, then chances are you need a planning permit. This structural implication entails that you’ll have a new roof where there is a change in load or wind zone. Essentially, different Australian governments have their specifics for the type of roof under different foundations, and it must be followed to be able to create a roof that’s not dangerous for the homeowners.
2. Insulation or Underlays
Building Codes need to be followed for different areas in Australia. This means that if you also have to replace your under roofing, then you must also follow the standards of the different building codes per area. The change in insulation and underlays creates a significant effect on the building and the occupants’ comfort, hence, it must be compliant with the rules and regulations of building codes.
Still, if you’re seeking repairs only, you might not need a planning permit for your re-roofing. The Australian government and the different councils allow repairs without permits with no more than 20% of the roof to be repaired, and if you’re planning to have only this, then you can save the hassle for later. However, if you’re changing the entirety of your roof, then seek your local council’s approval before you do the job.
What’s the purpose of having planning permits?
The Australian government ensures that safety precautions need to be followed to have a safe home. Thus, it must comply with the relevant building regulation, to avoid accidents and costly repairs for the homeowner. Planning permits also ensure that the building practitioners you are hiring are suitable to do the job, in a way that they can carry out the job responsibly and efficiently for the homeowner.
Moreover, this provides you with an assurance that your re-roofing is done by following safety protocols, and hence your home is suitable for occupation as well. Hire the experts from AT Pioneer Roofing Company if you need help inspecting or repairing your roof.
While these are just the basics, it’s also important for you to ask your local council about re-roofing. If it’s only a small repair, then you’re good. But if the roof is changed entirely with the structure and material, then planning permits are always necessary for you. Trust us, it’s just for your protection.